Join us for a Free Trial Class!
For Ages 6-11 Years Old.
We make learning fun! Our children's curriculum focuses on using the basics of Traditional Karate to assist Students to increase their focus and attention span, while learning self-control and self-discipline.
Through the use of drills, equipment, partner training & more, Students learn about safety and self-defense, while also developing skills that help them avoid danger and conflict.
Through learning the traditions and etiquette of a Traditional Dojo (School), Students learn respect for themselves and others.
Additionally, Traditional Martial Arts can assist your child to:
Excel in their academic studies!
Increase their focus and concentration!
Mentally stimulate and physically challenge them!
YOUTH Class Schedule
*As of July 13, 2020, we are NOW Offering Online, and In-Person* Classes
(Both Indoors, with class size limitations, and Outdoors)..
Visit the 'Schedule Page' to view a complete listing of all current classes. Thank you!
(*Following CDC & State Guidelines, to ensure the best possible safety & cleanliness protocols.)
Traditional Karate
provides a SAFE, FUN Way for students to engage in physical training, mental stimulation, and social interactions!
Through the use of Interactive, yet social distanced classes, we are able to allow students to fill an important developmental tool - Human Interaction! Students engage in mental drills & challenges, physical workouts & share their experiences...