In Iaido, the emphasis is on precise, controlled, fluid motions. This art is sometimes referred to as "moving Zen (meditation).
Join us for a Free Trial Class!
What Students will Experience:
The Iaido Program at the Golden Crane offers classes in the sword style of Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Iaido.
Students will be able to reinforce their understanding of the use of the Japanese Sword through the practice of Solo Forms (Kata), Partner Drills, 'Kendo Kata' and Tameshigiri (the art of cutting targets).
Additional Details:
Weekly Class: Tuesday evenings, from 6:00-7:15 pm.
Classes are open to Adults & Teens (ages 12 yrs and above).
No previous martial arts experience needed!
New students need not be enrolled in Karate to attend these classes.
Any one can participate. There are no physical limitations, only a desire to try your best, train and learn.
Bad Knees? Hip or Arthritis Challenges? At the Golden Crane training is adapted to each individual student's needs. Forms are designed to be done 'seated or standing', without losing the 'Art' or Traditional Nature of Iaido!
Ready to try a Class?
Please join us for a Free Introductory Class. We keep a few spare bokken (wooden sword) handy, and we would be glad to loan one to you.
Please email the office to reserve your Free Class, or to answer any additional questions you may have. Thank you!

What is Iaido?
Iaidō is a Japanese martial art that emphasizes being aware and capable of quickly drawing the sword and responding to sudden attacks.
Iaido consists of four main components, as practiced in the Kata (Solo Forms): the smooth, controlled movements of drawing the sword, striking or cutting an opponent, cleaning the blade, and resheathing the sword in the saya (scabbard).
In Iaido, the emphasis is on precise, controlled, fluid motions. This art is sometimes referred to as "moving Zen (meditation).
New students begin their practice of Iaido with a wooden sword (bokken). With time, these students will begin to practice using a blunt-edged sword called an iaitō. Only at the top levels of experience will iaido practitioners use a sharp-edged sword (shinken).
Iaido Class Schedule:
Iaido Classes are available in-person and online.
6:00 pm - 7:15 pm Iaido.
About our Adviser

Barry Poitras, Sensei
Mr. Poitras began his martial arts training in Shotokan Karate-do in 1980, and began studying Kendo and Iaido in 1989 with the Boston Kendo Dojo.
Sensei Poitras currently holds the rank of Godan (5th Dan) in Kendo and Godan (5th Dan) in Iaido, as well as Sandan (3rd Dan) in Karate-do.
We are deeply grateful to have Sensei Barry Poitras teach at our school!
Instruction at the Golden Crane:
Sensei Poitras will be joining us for class at the Golden Crane, to directly oversee instruction of students once a month.
Sensei has extensive knowledge in the art of Iaido (and Kendo), and students will feel at ease with his quiet, focused manner of instruction. Mr. Poitras emphasizes an attention to detail in each technique, with an added emphasis on etiquette.
The instructors at the Golden Crane who are assisting with classes are also ranked through the All United States Kendo Federation, and we look forward to sharing our knowledge and passion with you.
Iaido at the Golden Crane, in Partnership with Doshikai Kendo & Iaido

DoshiKai Kendo & Iaido
The Doshikai Kendo & Iaido dojo was established in 1994, and is a member of the All United States Kendo Federation under the regional direction of the Eastern United States Kendo Federation.
The instructors at Doshikai have all achieved their rank from the All United States Kendo Federation. Most have extensive martial arts training in other forms of Budo such as karate-do, aikido, kung fu, etc.
Doshikai Kendo & Iaido offers classes at several locations. Please visit: www.doshikai.org for more information regarding these classes.