The Sharing of Knowledge
Our staff is made up of a group of talented and creative professionals, who are passionate about traditional martial arts.
Our goal is to make the experience of each and every student who chooses to train at the Golden Crane, the best possible, and we offer the tools and support necessary for our students to reach their full potential.
The Difference is in the Experience. Join us for a FREE Trial Class to experience first hand what training in Traditional Martial Arts has to offer you!
Get in touch with us today.

Golden Crane offers it's Students the experience of training in a Traditional Martial Arts Dojo (School).
Quality instruction in TWO (2) individualized styles of traditional karate:
GOJU-RYU KARATE, a style based on power, and in close defense, and
SHORIN-RYU KARATE, a style developed for speed, and angular movement.
EARN TWO (2) BLACK BELTS Simultaneously. Black Belts receive certification for each of our 2 styles of karate, as they learn the forms of both.
STUDY KOBU-JUTSU, the art of traditional weapons forms, using such items as BO (Staff), SAI, BOKKEN & More
An elective course of study, EARN a THIRD (3rd) Black Belt in this art form as well!
STUDY IAIDO, the Art of Drawing the Japanese Sword. Join us for classes in the style known as Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu. This class is open to anyone age 12 years, and above. No previous martial arts experience is required.
Our instructors are highly qualified and experienced in the Traditional Martial Arts.
We offer Individual and Group Instruction, Group Demonstrations & Workshops.
Programs available for ages 5 years & above.
Flexible, convenient class scheduling, with unlimited training.
Our school is modeled after a traditional style dojo. Students train on a hardwood floor, it's unique suspension system provides 'low impact' training and reduces muscle fatigue.
Ample parking is available.
Located at 46 Lowell Rd, Windham NH, in the Golden Brook Commons (conveniently located between Golden Brook and Center Schools).
Join us for a FREE Trial Class to experience first hand what training at the Golden Crane has to offer you!
Owners & Directors
Hanshi Diane McMullen
Hanshi Diane McMullen has studied martial arts for over 40 years, having begun training in February of 1982. She was recently promoted on Jan.14, 2023, to the rank of Kudan, 9th Degree Black, in both Goju-ryu and Shorin-ryu Karate, and appointed to the Teaching Title of Hanshi.
Diane is one of the highest ranked female martial arts practitioners in the country. She holds the rank of Godan, 5th Degree Black Belt in traditional weapons, as well as Black Belts in several other systems. Hanshi McMullen also actively trains in Iaido [the art of the Japanese sword], having achieved the rank of Shodan, 1st Degree Black Belt in the art of Muso Jikiden Eishen-ryu Iai-jutsu.
Hanshi McMullen is a successful national and International martial arts competitor, including Kata [forms], Kumite [sparring], and Kobu-jutsu [traditional weapons training]; as well as a successful competitive coach, and AAU Certified Coach.
Sensei James R. Villemaire
Sensei James R. Villemaire has over 25 years of experience, having begun his training in October of 1997. James is an experienced Black Belt Instructor who has trained in multiple martial arts styles, including: Karate, Kenpo, Tae Kwon Do, Traditional Weapons, Iaido, Jiu-Jitsu, Self Defense, and more.
Sensei is also an accomplished competitor, experienced official and coach, and is recognized as a 6th Degree Black Belt, with the title of Shihan, with Kenpo International; Sensei also holds a 5th Degree Black Belt, and the title of Master, at Derry Kenpo Academy; Mr. Villemaire also holds a 3rd Degree Black Belt, and the title of Sensei, in the Traditional Martial Arts of Goju-Ryu & Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do at the Golden Crane.
Sensei Villemaiire will soon be testing for his Black Belt in Kobu-jutsu (traditional weapons training), and he is currently working towards earning his Black Belt in Iaido (the art of the Japanese Sword).
Sensei Kathy Villemaire
Sensei Kathy Villemaire has 34 years of experience, having begun her training in January of 1989. Ms. Villemaire is an experienced Black Belt Instructor who has trained in multiple martial arts styles, including: Karate, Kenpo, Traditional Weapons, Iaido, Self Defense, and more.
Sensei is also an accomplished competitor, experienced official and coach, and is recognized as a 5th Degree Black Belt, with the title of Shihan, with Kenpo International; Ms. Villemaire also holds a 3rd Degree Black Belt in the Traditional Martial Arts of Goju-Ryu & Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do at the Golden Crane.
Sensei Villemaiire will soon be testing for her Black Belt in Kobu-jutsu (traditional weapons training), and she is currently working towards earning her Black Belt in Iaido (the art of the Japanese Sword).